Friday, August 29, 2014


Now all you got to do is Google Mark Lindbitch to investigate Pierce County Prosecutors and related Snitches.

In the Name of Jesus I Beggath thou.Amen and Haleluja.

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Eagles - Lying Eyes -HD

Screwing over your own detectives. Now it's  time to snitch out your boys.

 You can't hide your lying eyes from the Chocalte_NSA. Google Mark Lindbitch

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

How your religion appears to non-believers

The cities that General Titus invaded in his military campaign though Israel is in the same exact order as the cities described in the New Testament. A mathematical impossibility unless it was a made up story. The Romans created Christianity with the help of Josephus as a psychological warfare weapon. If you can not destroy the belief system of an country your invading it is much easier to obtain submission by creating a competing religion to mentally subdue your subjects. Makes me wonder if the United States every won there independence from England or is our freedom an illusion created by royal crown. This would explain the five eyes,